Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Zero pictures!

This past weekend Zero stayed over.

Luckily he doesn't mind the camera..... I went a little crazy with the picture taking (click on pictures to enlarge, if you'd like):

Little dog, BIG shadow:

He couldn't be happier than when he's playing fetch...
But sometime he also looks a wee bit crazy obsessed over it all...
But it does look like he is smiling!

Peter Zippi Fund

This past weekend at the Hermosa fair, I had the pleasure of seeing Leslie at the Peter Zippi booth. Leslie & I know each other from my past days of working at the VCA Animal Hospital. If you know of anyone ever wanting to adopt a cat, I can honestly say this organization is amazing. I can HIGHLY recommend them.... They have such a fantastic group of volunteers that work so hard to make sure each and every one of these cats have a loving home. They are very meticulous and make sure all the cats are current on vaccinations, deworming, are spayed/neutered, and are overall loved & healthy.

Thanks Leslie & your amazing team for doing so much for these homeless kitties. You are such an inspiration.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Meet Skipper

Skipper is a sweetie... She may only have 3 legs but she is FAST.
I just adore her. I was able to snap this picture earlier this week...
Thought you'd like to meet her.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


This week I've been asked twice on two separate occasions: "How can you walk dogs in this terrible heat?"

Here is my answer for those of you that are curious....

Obviously our #1 concern is safely for the animals. We stop for water several times, and are constantly seeking shade. I've found that the east side of Ocean Ave is perfectly shaded by the houses from the strand.

We tend to walk slower when it's THIS hot... It's pretty easy to just follow the pace of the dog (they certainly appreciate it)... We also are checking the heat on the ground. Some surfaces like black pavement are hotter than lighter colored concrete... We pay close attention to these details and try very hand to accommodate these necessary precautions.

When possible, we move the walking schedule around so that walks can take place in the early morning or late afternoon....

And the #1 thing we do to keep the furry ones comfortable: Pour fresh cool water on their necks & backs. At first they don't like it (but with a little neck massage, they love it).