One of the many things I love about this "job" is all the fantastic / crazy / funny things I see everyday. In my former career (visual buyer for a fashion company in downtown LA) my days completely lacked the following "bits of life"...
Most of these pictures are silly cell phone snap shots... But you'll get the idea.

#1 Sunsets! I love being able to see the sunset almost everyday...

#2 Unconditional Love. Riley here loves his belly rubbed and will do some crazy acrobatics to get himself on his back (while wiggling) to get some attention. It's such a highlight of my day to be able to make an animal happy by a simple walk, belly rub or being there for feeding time.

#3 Katie (pictured above - being toweled off after a walk in the rain). She has learned the sound of my car and will RUN to the gate the second she knows I'm there... How sweet is that?

#4 Dogs who appear to be pondering "life" or just checkin out the waves.. Not sure.
(Zero above - picture taken about 2 years ago)

Riley also checkin the surf....

#5 Spike is enjoying a bone that is almost bigger than he is! This picture reminds me how much love there is in the world... (I know I sound totally nuts)
But, my clients LOVE their pets so much! I am so blessed to be apart of their daily lives.

#6 Randomness. Sometimes I witness some crazy things. This day was one of them. This pup decided he wanted to carry his own poop bag. I certainly wouldn't refuse that, right?! I'm not kidding, he actually took it from me... Granted we were 3 steps from the trash (and really he just wanted a treat).. But wow, what a funny moment.